
Chicago State University offers a number of certificates in computing and information studies.

The post-baccalaureate Certificate in Archives and Records Management (ARM) prepares students who have completed undergraduate degrees in history or other disciplines. The ARM program is designed for students who wish to pursue careers in archives, records management, and in libraries with special collections units that include archives and records management divisions. ARM also provides professional development opportunities for support staff in archives and special collections units who seek a credential in the field. Some of the credit hours earned in this certificate may also be applied to the Master of Arts in History and the Master of Science in Library and Information Science.

Required Courses (12 Credit Hours)

  • LIS 5200: Archives and Records Administration
  • LIS 5220: Electronic Records Management
  • HIST 5312: Nineteenth-Century Europe* 
  • HIST 5352: The Chicago Experience

Two Elective Courses (6 Credit Hours)*

  • LIS 5570: Digitization and Digital Repositories
  • LIS 5240: Curatorship of Historical Collections
  • LIS 5970: Field Practicum
  • HIST 5400: Historical Methods

* Notes: Advisor may approve substitution(s) based on student interest and/or available course offerings. The ARM Certificate program is currently available on a part-time basis. While all LIS courses are available online, HIST courses may only be available on-campus or in hybrid format. As such, the ARM certificate (unlike the MSLIS) may not be completed fully online. 

Apply here. For more information, please contact lis@waki-aiai.net

The purpose of the Information Technology Certificate (ITC) minor is to provide an opportunity for university undergraduate students to obtain a minor in applied information and communications technology (ICT). ITC students gain knowledge and hands-on training in the area of ICT through required courses in computer networking and informatics essentials and elective course(s) in wireless, security, and cloud computing.

This certificate offers students the opportunity to be introduced to information and communication technologies through hands-on experience with these technologies. This, in turn, expands the employment horizon of graduates of any major to include information technology career options. Certificate completers will be ready to apply for careers with software and Internet publishing companies, wireless communication providers, and businesses with ICT needs. This certificate is designed to prepare students to test for at least three industrial certification exams: A+, CCNA, Network+, Security+, and CWSP Wireless.

Most courses are offered in either the online or hybrid course delivery format.  On campus sessions meet in the evenings.


  • Meet the University admission requirements
  • May have any undergraduate major
  • Pass five required courses
  • Pass one elective course

Curriculum (18 credit hours)

Required Courses (15 credit hours)
Course Credit Hours Term Offered
TPS 3500 Informatics Essentials 3 Fall
TPS 4510 Networking Fundamentals 3 Spring
TPS 4520 Network Configuration II 3 Spring
TPS 4530 Network Practicum I 3 Summer
TPS 4540 Network Practicum II 3 Summer
Elective Courses (choose one course - 3 credit hours)
Course Credit Hours Term Offered
TPS 4610 Wireless Networks Security and Design 3 varies
TPS 4550 Network Administration Technologies 3 varies
TPS 4620 Cloud Computing and Virtualization 3 varies
Other electives or special topics course with consent of ITC advisor 3 varies

Many of the courses offered under the MSTPIS program help students prepare for selected Cisco, AWS, and CompTIA certificates.

ciscoaws   comptia

For more information please contact: tpis@waki-aiai.net

The purpose of the post-baccalaureate Certificate program in Security and Intelligence Studies (SIS) is to improve the racial/ethnic diversity of the Intelligence community.  This certificate is to educate individuals in the area of intelligence and security and to prepare CSU students for employment and career opportunities in intelligence and national security agencies. The program is offered and supported by the Center for Information & Security Education and Research (CINSER) at Chicago State University. The certificate is an ideal complement to other graduate programs offered at Chicago State University. It also offers graduates a wide range of professional possibilities.

CSU offers several programs that prepare individuals to work in the information professions: the Master of Science in Library and Information Science (MSLIS), the Master of Science in Technology and Performance Improvement Studies (MSTPIS), Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Archives and Records Management (ARM), Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Telecommunications Management, Library Information Specialist Endorsement for licensed teachers, and the Education Technology Specialist Endorsement for licensed teachers. There also are two undergraduate minor concentrations – the Information Technology (IT) minor and the interdisciplinary Security and Intelligence Studies (SIS) minor.

The programs are ideal for working professionals who want to make a career change. The programs are offered via the online course delivery format which afford flexibility in scheduling. The graduate programs can be completed by individuals who have earned an accredited bachelor’s degree in virtually any field.

General Requirements

To be eligible for admission into the certificate program, students must meet the general requirements for admission to graduate programs at Chicago State University, which includes attainment of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and a 3.0 GPA or better in the last 60 hours at the undergraduate level. A maximum of two graduate courses (6 semester hours) from another institution can be transferred into the certificate program. Students may pursue the certificate separately or in conjunction with the Master of Science in Technology and Performance Improvement Studies or Library and Information Science degree, or MA in Geography/GIS with GIS concentration.

Specific Requirements

Core Course (9 credit hours)

SIS 5050: The Intelligence Community
SIS 5060: Collection and Use of Intelligence Information
SIS 5070: Intelligence Analysis and Security

Program Options (12 credit hours) - Choose One Option

Option 1- Language+

12 credit hours of a foreign language and cultural immersion experience (Arabic, Hausa, Kiswahili, or a foreign language approved by the CSU’s IC CAE): 6 credit hours must be from the Study Abroad undergraduate language/cultural immersion courses (SAB 5980 - Pass or Fail) OR 6 credit hours of two approved courses from the following options (2, 3, or 4).

Option 2 – Cybersecurity+

TPS 5070:  Informatics Essentials
TPS 5600:  Applied Cybersecurity
TPS 5605:  Applied Ethical Hacking
1 course from Option 3 (Geospatial Intelligence+) or Option 4 (Information Analytics+)

Option 3 – Geospatial Intelligence+

GEOG 5805: GIS for Homeland Security
GEOG 5820: Environmental Remote Sensing
GEOG 5840:  Advanced Remote Sensing
1 course from Option 2 (Cybersecurity+) or Option 4 (Information Analytics+)

Option 4 – Information Analytics+

LIS 5510: Database Design for Information Storage and Retrieval
LIS 5580:  Introduction to Information Analytics
LIS 5590:  Introduction to Information Visualization
1 course from Option 2 (Cybersecurity+) or Option 3 (Geospatial Intelligence+)

Required Internship (3 credit hours)

SIS 5990: Internship in Intelligence

Additional Information about This Program

The SIS graduate certificate is a 24-credit hour program consisting of three core courses (9 credit hours), four concentration-option courses (12 credit hours), and an internship (3 credit hours).  The certificate offers four specialization options. Three of the options (Cybersecurity+, Geospatial Intelligence+, and Information Analytics+) can be completed completely online. One option (Languages+) is a combination of online and campus-based courses.  Each certificate option includes at least one elective course from one of the other options.

Students who select the Language+ option are required to take 6 credit hours of a foreign language (Arabic, Hausa, Kiswahili, or a foreign language deemed critical by the US intelligence community and approved by the CSU’s IC CAE) at CSU and 6 credit hours of culture-sequence courses taken abroad in the host country of the CINSER’s Study Abroad program.  Students who are native in one of the languages which are sponsored by CINSER can test out of one or both of the introductory language courses offered at CSU.  The CINSER’s Study Abroad program will involve an intensive 4-8 weeks of curricular and co-curricular activities are equivalent to two courses. The program is expected to immerse our students into the language/culture of the host country.

In order to satisfy certificate requirements, all work must be completed within a three-year period. The certificate can only be awarded to candidates who have achieved a 3.0 or above cumulative grade point average in all required and elective courses applied toward the certificate. Graduate credits earned in a graduate certificate program may be applied toward a subsequent master’s degree with specific consent by the program.

For more information, please contact: tpis@waki-aiai.net

The post-baccalaureate Telecommunications Management Certificate program consists of five required courses plus two elective courses.  The concentration of the certificate is on network computing courses.  The certificate is designed to prepare students to test for at least three of the highly respected industrial certification examinations.   

Additional Information About This Program

This post-baccalaureate certificate prepares students in network computing. In addition, it prepares students to complete industrial certification exams in A+, Cisco Certified Network Associate, Network+ or Wireless. For more information about program costs, employment, and other information.

Certificate Requirements

  • Complete all five required courses.
  • Complete two elective courses from the associated list.
  • Register for the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) examination within two months after finishing all four CCNA courses.
  • Obtain the A+ Certificate within two months from finishing the A+ course.
  • Obtain either Network+ or Certified Wireless Security Professional (CWSP).

Curriculum Sequence

The certificate consists of seven courses or 21 credit hours. 

Required Courses (15 credit hours)
TPS 5070 Informatics Essentials 
TPS 5510 Networking Fundamentals for Information Specialists
TPS 5520 Network Configuration II
TPS 5530 Network Practicum I
TPS 5540 Network Practicum II
Elective Courses (select two courses for 6 credit hours)
TPS 5610 Wireless Networks Security and Design
TPS 5550 Network Administration Technologies
TPS 5220 Internet Publishing for Information Specialists
TPS 5630 Database Systems and Technologies
Any directed elective graduate course approved by advisor

Many of the courses offered under the MSTPIS program help students prepare for selected Cisco, AWS, and CompTIA certificates. Also, check out opportunities to pursue certificate programs. 

ciscoaws  comptia

For more information, please contact: tpis@waki-aiai.net