Master of Science in Technology & Performance Improvement Studies (MSTPIS) 

Degree requirements listed here reflect the current catalog standards.  Your degree requirements are determined by the academic year you began the program.

The Technology and Performance Improvement Studies (TPIS) graduate program (offered completely online) prepares professionals to systematically evaluate situations and implement appropriate solutions in order to improve performance at the level of the worker, work, workplace, or world. The program puts heavy emphasis on the integration of the theories and practices in the areas of human performance technology (HPT), information and communications technology (ICT), and quality management and is aligned with the published standards of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). 

The program is open to individuals with any educational background which makes it an attractive choice for those who are looking for a change in their career or an opportunity to enrich their skills in the area of technology and performance improvement. Additionally, MSTPIS provides a unique and flexible curriculum structure which allows students to select a focus area that is meant to be related to their professional interests. The program also offers an excellent opportunity for students to solve practical problems through the thesis/project research component. For more inforamtion, contact us at:

The MSTPIS Program

Areas of degree specialization:

  • Performance Management
  • Instructional Technology
  • Training and Development
  • Telecommunications
  • Cybersecurity
  • Security & Intelligence
  • Interdisciplinary Options

MSTPIS Program Learning Objectives

The student learning objectives for the MSTPIS program are aligned with the standards of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). Students have mastered the following objectives by the end of their programs of study:

  1. Analyze the environment – Students correctly identify the performance gap and their cause(s).
  2. Design a solution – Students design solutions utilizing appropriate technologies and strategies which address the identified performance gap.
  3. Implement solution – Students develop needed materials necessary to implement a sustainable solution.
  4. Evaluate results of solution – Students accurately evaluate the results of the solution.
  5. Utilize content knowledge – Students utilize the knowledge of technology and performance improvement to add value and improve results in any given situation.
  6. Partner effectively – Students effectively partner with group members and clients
  7. Present a professional presence – Students conduct themselves professionally (verbally, in writing, in demeanor, and presence)
  8. Ground decisions in research – Students effectively utilize prior research and evidence as the foundation for proposed solutions.
  9. Manage Information Technology - Students effectively troubleshoot, integrate, and utilize technology in various environments.

Degree Requirements

  • Fulfillment of the general requirements for admission to graduate programs.
  • Completion of admission requirements, including an interview and a writing and technology skill assessment.
  • Completion of 33 credit hours at the graduate level to fulfill program requirements.
  • Completion of the university research requirement which culminates in the creation of a graduate thesis or project.
  • Submission of an electronic graduate professional portfolio.
  • Completion of all degree requirements within six years.

NOTE: Candidates must abide by all College policies stated in the catalog, unless exceptions or adherence to higher expectations are noted in program documentation.

MSTPIS Curriculum

33 Credit Hours (all courses 3 credit hours except as noted)

Required Courses (15 hours)

  • TPS 5050 – Professional Practice and Portfolio I (1 credit hour)
  • TPS 5060 – Fundamentals of Performance Improvement
  • TPS 5070 – Informatics Essentials
  • TPS 5080 – Quality Systems and Methods
  • TPS 5090 – Research Methods in Technology and Performance Improvement
  • TPS 5990 – Professional Practice and Portfolio II (2 credit hours)

Thesis/Project Requirements (6 hours)

  • TPS 5980 – Thesis / Project

Students have the option to complete a thesis that requires 6 credit hours of TPS 5980 or complete a project that requires 3 credit hours of TPS 5980 and an additional three credit hour elective course relating to the topic of their project.

Elective Course Options (12 hours)

  • Click here for a list of an approved list of elective courses. 
Many of the courses offered under the MSTPIS program help students prepare for selected Cisco, AWS, and CompTIA certificates. Also, check out opportunities to pursue certificate programs.

CIMST is home of the following academies

Amazon Web Services
Cisco Networking AcademyCisco 
comptia academyCompTIA 

MSTPIS Advisory Board Members


  • Shenise Cook, HR Consultant, HRBoost


  • Lavon Jame, Managing Consultant/Performance Management, IBM
  • Mary Ratliff, Associate Director, Advancement Services, Wheaton College
  • Mohammad Abu-Samra, Senior Network Solutions Architect, US Cellular
  • Ashleigh Watson, Human Resource Director, MDX

For more information contact: