GBC Writers Conference

GBC Writers Conference

Call for Proposals

Oct. 17-18, 2025

pdf Conference Flyer


The Gwendolyn Brooks Center for Black Literature and Creative Writing invites scholars,writers, educators, and artists to submit proposals for the 2025 Black WritersConference, inspired by the powerful words of Gwendolyn Brooks’ poem “The SecondSermon on the Warpland.” This year’s theme calls us to explore resilience, creativity,and flourishing amidst the turbulence of the modern world. This year’s conference willhave in-person and virtual options.

“We are the Last of the Loud.”

These words by Gwendolyn Brooks challenge us to reflect on how Black writers andcommunities create, endure, and thrive within the chaos of societal change, racialinjustice, and cultural evolution. The conference seeks to honor this call by centeringdialogues around resistance, regeneration, and the transformative power of Blackliterature and art.

We welcome proposals that engage with the theme through lenses such as, butnot limited to:

  • Resilience: How do Black writers address survival, strength, and self-determinationin their works?
  • Creativity: How does creativity bloom in challenging times, and what is its role inreimagining the future?
  • Activism: How has literature served as a tool for resistance and empowerment?
  • Community: How can Black writers and thinkers foster collective growth andcollaboration?

We invite proposals for:

  • Academic papers and panel discussions
  • Creative writing workshops and readings
  • Roundtable conversations on contemporary literary and cultural topics
  • Performances, multimedia presentations, and other creative expressions

Deadline for proposal submissions are Friday, May 2, 2025, 11:59pm.

Equipment Request