
Sociology is the social scientific study of society, social groups, and human interaction. There are many sub-areas in the field, and these are reflected in the department’s course offerings. At its core, sociology analyzes human interaction, social inequality, social institutions, and social change. The discipline promotes social justice and solutions to social problems through community outreach and engagement. Sociology provides excellent training in social science research and analysis for application in a broad array of careers, including law, social work, human resource management, gerontology, marketing and market research, urban planning, industrial relations, community organizing, and policy research and analysis. In summary, sociology provides an excellent educational background for any field in which individuals must work with people and critically assess social influences and phenomena on human interactions.

The department also offers undergraduate courses in social work. The array of courses prepares individuals for careers in the social services, in both the public and private sectors. The program prepares graduates to work with disadvantaged and vulnerable populations by developing and applying skills and strategies to effectively confront systemic problems faced by these groups.

Cultural awareness, personal growth, and inter-relational sensitivities are integral components of social work education. In addition to the major in sociology, the department offers undergraduate minors in sociology, social work, and gerontology. See the graduate catalog for a description of the Master of Social Work Program. 


Sociology Program Advisor

Dr. Judith Birgen

(773) 995-3747